Metalsmith ’84 Fall: Health Hazards Q&A’s
6 Minute Read
Linda Weiss-Edwards provides a list of Onsite Consultation for Artists and Schools from each state in the United States in this segment of "Safety Hazards" from Metalsmith 1984 Fall.
Every state has a free onsite consultation plan for employers who want help in recognizing and correcting health and safety hazards in their workplace. This consultation service is provided by state governments or private contractors with funding from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The program is completely separate from OSHA's inspection efforts and issues no citations or penalties.
The program is primarily aimed at small businesses and the consultation has to be requested by the employer. In many states, the consultation service is also open to individual artists and craftspeople who have requested help. Of course schools, universities, theaters, and museums can also apply.
The consultation is confidential and consists of an onsite inspection similar to that OSHA would carry out. The consultant then makes recommendations for the correction of any health and safety problems discovered. OSHA will not be informed of the results of the consultation except in cases of imminent danger.
Onsite Consultation for Artists and Schools | |
Alabama Alabama Consultation Program P.O. Box 6005 University, Alabama 35486 Telephone: (205) 348-7136 | Nevada Consultation and Training Department of Occupational Safety and Health(Southern Part) 1710 W. Charleston Blvd. Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 |
Alaska Voluntary Compliance Division of Occupational Safety and Health Alaska Department of Labor 200 Annex, 650 W. International Airport Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Telephone: (907) 276-5013 | (Northern Part) P.O. Box 10950 Reno, Nevada 89510 Telephone: Southern (702) 386-5211 Northern (702) 784-6209 |
Arizona Consultation and Training Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health P.O. Box 19070 1624 W. Adams Phoenix, Arizona 85005 Telephone: (602) 255-5795 | New Hampshire Occusafe, Inc. Job Safety and Health Consultation Contract 720 Union Street Manchester, New Hampshire 03104 Telephone: (800) 323-1335, (Toll-free in State), (312) 256-5900 |
Arkansas OSHA Consultation Arkansas Department of Labor Capitol Hill Building Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Telephone: (501) 371-2985 | New Jersey New Jersey Department of Labor and Industry P.O. Box V Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Telephone: (605) 292-2312 |
California CAL/OSHA Consultation Service Room 7241 455 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, California 94102 Telephone: (415) 557-2870 | New Mexico OSHA Consultation Health and Environment Department Environmental Improvement Division Occupational Health and Safety Section 4159 Montgomery Blvd., N.E Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109 Telephone: (505) 842-3387 |
Colorado Occupational Safety and Health Section Institute of Rural Environmental Health 207 Geology Building Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 Telephone: (303) 491-6151 | New York Consultation Program New York State Department of Labor 2 World Trade Center Room 6995, New York, New York 10047 Telephone: (212) 488-7746/7 |
Connecticut Division of Occupational Safety and Health Connecticut Department of Labor 200 Folly Brook Boulevard Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 Telephone: (203) 566-4550 | North Carolina Consultation Services North Carolina Department of Labor 4 West Edenton Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Telephone: (919) 733-4885 |
Delaware Delaware Department of Labor Division of Industrial Affairs 820 French Street Wilmington, Delaware 19805 Telephone: (302) 571-3908 | North Dakota Division of Environmental Research Department of Health Missouri Office Building 1200 Missouri Avenue Bismarck, North Dakota 58505 Telephone: (701) 224-2348 |
District of Columbia Occupational Safety and Health Division District of Columbia Department of Labor 2900 Newton Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20018 Telephone: (202) 832-1230 | Ohio Department of Industrial Relations Division of Onsite Consultation P.O. Box 825 2323 5th Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43216 Telephone: (800) 282-1425, (Toll-free in State), (614) 466-7485 |
Florida Department of Labor & Employment Security Bureau of Industrial Safety & Health Ashely Building, Room 216 1321 Executive Center East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Telephone: (904) 488-3044 | Oklahoma OSHA Division Oklahoma Department of Labor State Capitol Suite 118 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 Telephone: (405) 521-2461 |
Georgia Economic Development Division Technology & Development Lab Engineering Experiment Station Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia 30332 Telephone: (404) 894-3806 | Oregon Consultative Section Department of Workers' Compensation Accident Prevention Division Room 102, Building 1 2110 Front N. E. Salem, Oregon 97310 Telephone: (503) 378-2890 |
Hawaii Education and Information Branch Division of Occupational Safety and Health Suite 910, 77 Ala Moana Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Telephone: (808) 548-7510 | Pennsylvania Enviro Control, Inc. Job Safety and Health Consultation Contract P.O. Box 1862 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105 Telephone: (800) 382-1241, (Toll-free in State), (717) 763-1358 |
ldaho Occusafe, Inc. Job Safety and Health Consultation Contract 1310 W. State Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (800) 323-1335, (Toll-free in State), (312) 256-5900 | Puerto Rico Occupational Safety and Health Puerto Rico Department of Labor and Human Resources 414 Barbosa Avenue San Juan, Puerto Rico 00917 Telephone: (809) 765-5014 |
Illinois Division of Industrial Services Governor's Office of Manpower and Human Development Industrial Services Section 160 N. LaSalle, Room 318 Chicago, Illinois 60601 Telephone: (800) 972-4140/4216, (Toll-free in State), (312) 793-3270 | Rhode Island Division of Occupational Health Rhode Island Department of Health The Cannon Building 75 Davis Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903 Telephone: (401) 277-2438 |
Iowa Bureau of Labor 307 E. Seventh Street Des Moines, Iowa 50319 Telephone: (515) 281-3286 | South Carolina Consultation and Monitoring South Carolina Department of Labor P.O. Box 11329 Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Telephone: (803) 758-3080 |
Indiana Bureau of Safety, Education and Training Indiana Division of Labor 1013 State Office Building Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Telephone: (317) 633-5845 | South Dakota National Loss Control Service Corporation Job Safety & Health Consultation Contract P.O. Box 852 Barrington, Illinois 60010 Telephone: (800) 323-9585, (Toll-free Nationwide) |
Kansas Kansas Department of Human Resources 610 W. 10th Street—2nd Floor Topeka, Kansas 66612 Telephone: (913) 296-4086 | Tennessee OSHA Consultative Services Tennessee Department of Labor 2nd Floor, 501 Union Building Nashville, Tennessee 37219 Telephone: (615) 741-3161 |
Kentucky Education and Training, Occupational Safety and Health Kentucky Department of Labor Capitol Plaza Towers, 12th Floor Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Telephone: (502) 564-6895 | Texas Division of Occupational Safety Texas Department of Health and State Safety Engineer 1100 West 49th Street Austin, Texas 78756 Telephone: (512) 458-7 287 |
Louisiana JRB Associates, Inc. Job Safety and Health Consultation Contract P.O. Box 692 Vienna, Virginia 22180 Telephone: (800) 336-0488, (Toll-free in State), (703) 821-4667 | Trust Territories Service not yet available (Anticipated early 1980) |
Maine Maine Department of Labor Manpower Affairs Bureau of Labor State Office Building Augusta, Maine 04330 Telephone: (207) 289-3331 | Utah Occupational Safety and Health Administration Suite 404, 307 West 200 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 Telephone: (801) 533-7927/8/9 |
Maryland Consultation Services Division of Labor and Industry 4th Floor, 203 E. Baltimore Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Telephone: (301) 383-6646 | Vermont Division of Occupational Safety and Health Vermont Department of Labor and Industry 118 State Street Montpelier, Vermont 05602 Telephone: (802) 828-2765 |
Massachusetts Division of Industrial Safety Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries 100 Cambridge Street Boston, Massachusetts 02202 Telephone: (617) 727-3567 | Virginia Department of Labor and Industry P.O. Box 12064 205 N. 4th Street Richmond, Virginia 23241 Telephone: (804) 786-5875 |
Michigan (Health) Special Programs Section Division of Occupational Health Michigan Department of Public Health 3500 N. Logan Lansing, Michigan 48909 Telephone: (517) 373-1410 | Virgin Islands Division of Occupational Safety and Health Virgin Islands Department of Labor Lagoon Street, Frederiksted St. Croix, Virgin Islands 00840 Telephone: (809) 772-1315 |
Michigan (Safety) Safety Education and Training Division Bureau of Safety and Regulation Michigan Department of Labor 7150 Harris Drive, Box 30015 Lansing, Michigan 48909 Telephone: (517) 322-1809 | Washington Department of Labor and Industry P.O. Box 207 308 East 4th Avenue Olympia, Washington 98504 Telephone: (206) 753-6381 |
Minnesota Training and Education Unit Department of Labor and Industry 5th Floor, 444 Lafayette Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Telephone: (612) 296-2973 | West Virginia West Virginia Department of Labor Room 451B, State Capitol 1900 Washington Street Charleston, West Virginia 25305 Telephone: (304) 348-7890 |
Mississippi Division of Occupational Safety and Health Mississippi State Board of Health P.O. Box 1700 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Telephone: (601) 982-6315 | Wisconsin (Health) Section of Occupational Health Department of Health and Social Services P.O. Box 309 Madison, Wisconsin 53701 Telephone: (608) 266-0417 |
Montana Montana Bureau of Safety and Health Division of Worker's Compensation 510 Logan Street Helena, Montana 59601 Telephone: (406) 449-3402 | Wisconsin (Safety) Division of Safety and Buildings Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations 1570 E. Moreland Blvd. Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 Telephone: (414) 544-8686 |
Missouri Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Standards P.O. Box 449 Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 Telephone: 1-(800) 392-3722, (314) 751-3403 | Wyoming Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety Department 200 East 8th Avenue Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 Telephone: (307) 777-7786 |
Nebraska Nebraska Department of Labor State House Station State Capitol P.O, Box 95024 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 Telephone: (402) 471-2239 |
The above list is reprinted from Art Hazards News, volume 5, numbers 4 and 5, May and June, 1982.
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