Stone Setting Tools FAQsStone Setting Tools FAQs

Intermediate Stone Setting

Stone Setting Tools FAQs

Here is a list of Stone Setting Tools FAQs as commonly asked by customers. Questions range from preparation of tools, kinds and types of stones to use, to the kinds of burs to use, and much, much more.

How important is it that I know the hardness of the stones I’m setting?

Well, you won’t die from not knowing, but it’s a great help to understand everything you can about the gems you’re working with because this information will allow you to select the best tools for the job. Most agates test around 7 on the Mohs scale, while annealed steel is around 6. This means that if you slip with a steel tool, it won’t absolutely for sure make a scratch on the stone. If you were setting a material like amber (hardness 2-1/2), you’d be better off using tools made of copper (hardness 3) or a plastic, most of which are soft enough that they won’t scratch.

Perhaps more important than the hardness is the condition of the stone. Get in the habit of checking each stone under a loupe for hairline fractures, irregularities in the shape, inclusions, and any other factor that might come into play during

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